Does Pinterest traffic convert?

If you’ve ever searched for ‘how to increase blog traffic’, you’ll have heard about Pinterest. For a good four years, you couldn’t move in the blogging world without someone selling you a Pinterest course. This is not a Pinterest bashing article. Pinterest can be an incredible way to drive traffic to your blog, but it … Read more

Can you blog without social media?

YES YOU CAN. Don’t believe all those people that say you need to spend 20% of your time writing your articles and 80% of your time promoting them. I am a writer. This whole website is for writers. We want to write. Not promote. Thousands of people and companies have had a lot of success … Read more

Is Instagram good for blogging?

If you’ve read my post on whether you can use Facebook to get blog traffic, then you probably know that I’m not the biggest fan of Facebook. I have one page for one of of my websites and i do nothing with it. I do, however, use Instagram. I have a personal Instagram (which I … Read more

101 tips for new bloggers – what I wish I’d known years ago

1. Always use long links A lot of new bloggers like to register with Amazon Associates straight away. Fine fine fine. The problem comes when you don’t make a sale and get kicked out. This isn’t a problem in itself – you can just reapply. The problem is that if you used the short links … Read more